Documents for Customs Clearance

Documents  for Customs Clearance

Customs clearance for commercial cargo is the process that involves the 'clearing' of goods through the customs barriers for importers and exporters (usually businesses). This involves the preparation of documents and/or electronic submissions, the calculation (and usually the payment) of taxes, duties and goods and service tax.
To complete this clearance process shipping documents are required, the type of documents needed for importing or exporting transactions usually depend on the type of goods you have. In many cases, the documentation may also vary depending on the country of origin or destination. Thus, documents may have to be prepared in a particular way to comply with the requirements of the import or export country.

As a rule of thumb, a standard importing or exporting transaction usually requires a commercial invoice, quarantine packing delcaration,packing list, Bill of Lading and an insurance certificate - depending on your Inco terms.

We can ensure the appropriate documentation is completed and the correct importing procedures followed as our systems are electronically linked to the Malaysia Customs Service, and other government departments.

This means we have direct access to duty rates, duty concessions and other information traditionally stored in numerous volumes of paper binders within an instant. This combined with our expert clearance personnel ensures our service is second to none
Should you require specialised container equipment, Freight Rates for Export Shipment (FCL/LCL)  or if you have any further questions please contact us click Here.


Container Detention Charges

What is Container Detention Charges
and How much does it cost ?

Import and Export shipping containers are used to move the Import and Export cargo 's on the container ships .The containers are  essential to the efficient cargo flow of all Import & Export  cargo movements.
When the supplies of shipping containers are delayed or are running low due to the late return of the import containers , it may impede the efficient flow to the entire supply chain of  international cargo.
To alleviate the late return of Containers, detention charges are imposed by the shipping lines for the containers unreturned to the designated return location within the allowed free time period.
Shipping lines may vary their allowable “free time limits”, but generally it ranges from seven to ten calendar days (including public holidays and weekends) depending on the type of container used.

When does free time begin ?

The free time” begins from the first day the container is made available on the wharf.  This is often a source of contention and some Importers may  think that the “free time” commences when they collect the container.
However this is incorrect a container may be made available on the wharf but the importers still need to comply with the various Customs and Quarantine border processing requirements.  Anytime a container is held up in border processing, this is still considered to fall in the “free time” period.

Should you require specialised container equipment, Freight Rates for Export Shipment (FCL/LCL)  or if you have any further questions please contact us click Here

Shipping Container Dimensions

             CONTAINER SIZES                                                       

Shipping Container Dimensions Internal External Sizes and Weights

Please use the following table to check the most frequently used container sizes.  Should you require specialised container equipment or if you have any further questions please contact us.

20' GP Container DimensionsMillimetresFeet
Door OpeningWidth23387'8''
WeightMax. Gross2400052910
Max. Payload2185048170
 Cube MetresCube Feet

40' GP Container DimensionsMillimetresFeet
Door OpeningWidth23387'8''
WeightMax. Gross3048067200
Max. Payload2668058823
 Cube MetresCube Feet

40' GP High Cubic Container DimensionsMillimetresFeet
Door OpeningWidth23407'8''
WeightMax. Gross3048067200
Max. Payload2646058340
 Cube MetresCube Feet